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Fur Pulling Mystery

22 10:27:33

Hi Lee
I have a beautiful black lop rabbit named Thumper, who we were told was a desexed male when we purchased him from a pet shop (with no papers though).He lives inside with us, and has free run of our house. We have had him for over a year, and he has developed a lovely big dulap. About a month ago we went to the RSPCA and bought a nice little male rabbit friend for him named Rascal, and this little man had only just been desexed about a week prior. When first introducing them Rascal kept mounting Thumper, but Thumper has a great personality and just smooched him. They are best of friends now and both have free run of the house. Rascal cleans Thumper all the time.
Now here is the problem. We came back from work last night to find Thumper has pulled a huge amount of fur from his dulap and belly and left it in a big mound on our bed, and was digging under our donna and tunneling in. Now we have taken Thumper to the vet for a check up and shots, and the vet asked if he was desexed and felt for testicals, but not assuming he was a she, how can we check if he is a she?
Also if this isn't nesting, what else may be wrong. We give him revolution on his neck for fleas & mites every fortnight instead of monthly. Im worried about my little friend, and any information you can provide will be much appreciated.
Thanks Michelle



make sure you have a good rabbit vet.  It really ups the chances she survives the procedure, and that the vet will be attentive if post op issues arise.  Make sure you use a vet that prescribes BOTH post op antibiotics (ie baytril) and also post-op pain meds for at least 3-4 days (ie metacam).  SHe must have pain meds  to ensure she will be able to feel like moving and eating.  If not she will sit totally still and stiff and not move and not eat, and her gut will shut down and gi stasis will set in (leads to death).  If the vet doesn't understand this or tell you this is the normal plan, do not let him touch your rabbit.

Also the vet will want to first do a separate checkup of your rabbit a week or two before surgery - to make sure she isn't ill or has a health problem that needs to be cleared up before attempting anesthesia/surgery.  If she gets sick before the surgery you'll need to call him and they will have to treat her first before re-scheduling surgery for a later date.




it sounds like Thumper may be a gal.  Males generally do not have large dewlaps.  Further, generally only intact females have really large dewlaps because it's hormones that cause it to be large.  Third, the pet shop lied to you about the rabbit being de-sexed, unless that rabbit was being offered from an adoption agency that had already de-sexed it.  Pet shops do not sell spayed or neutered pets.  They do not spend $150 dollars to neuter a rabbit to sell it for less.

It sounds like nesting.  Females pull fur like this when pregnant or going through a false prgnancy.

Revolution seems to be known to be okay for rabbits.  Make sure to only get the version of Revolution that is made for kittens, not adult cats or dogs.  Then, and only then, only apply on the very back of the neck so your rabbit cannot lick it off.

As you have more than one rabbit, always supervise your bunny couple after spot on application and make sure neither bunny licks the other's neck for at least a few hours.  If you can split them up for awhile that would be best.  If she is pregnant you will want to separate them now anyway.

And you probably need to consider splitting them up anyway, right now, until you can get them both fixed to prevent unwanted litters.

To check sexes, you need to be able to safely put her on her back (and if possible trance her) - (do not do this if you aren't 100% confident in your skill) and examine her.  Males generally have a tube shaped genital, the girls have a "V" like opening.  Both appear pinkish.

Also, in almost all cases, males do not have nipples along their belly.  Only females do.  If she is pregnant they may be more prominent.
