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Dehydrated & limping rabbit

22 10:06:45

A week ago our rabbit was dehydrated badly because the weather outside was very hot. It can't hardly move and breath poorly. For almost a week, we kept it inside and keeping it cool by giving iced bottle and lots water. About 3 days ago, we let it roam around the garden and noticed that it was limping. This morning we let it roam again, we noticed that it moves better but still limping a bit. My questions are: whether it normal for a badly dehydrated rabbit to be limping for that long and whether it will get better in a few more days? What can we do to make it better quicker?  

Dear Renata,

The limping may have nothing to do with the near-death experience, but that he's slowing improving suggests that he may have suffered a minor injury.  If he's putting any weight on it, that's a good sign.  But of course it's always best to have a good rabbit vet take a look to be sure:

I'm glad you were able to save your friend.  A terrible lesson learned the hard way, but with a happy ending!
