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Male bunny anatomy

22 10:45:53

I have had my unneutered male rabbit "Oliver" for about 4 years. I bought him when he was a baby, at about 9 weeks old. Anyways, I was cleaning off his bottom and I noticed two small pocket like indentations around the 4 and 8 oclock area about 1/4 inch away from his penis. They were exactly the same on both sides, did not look infected, swollen or cause him pain when touched. There was also a small nodule (about 1/8th of an inch) beside these pockets, neither of which were hard or firm. I have cleaned and inspected this area before, and have not noticed them. His testicles are of normal size, and seeminly healthy in appearance. His eating, drinking, elimination habits have not changed. I was wondering if this is a normal part of male rabbit anatomy, and if not, what it could be. There is no hole or opening through the skin there, no redness, no sign of an external infection. Any help would be appreciated!!!
                           Oliver and Kayleigh

Dear Kayleigh,

You have discovered Oliver's scent pockets.  The little nodules inside are his scent glands, and they exude a dark, waxy substance that has a very strong, musky smell.  If he's a tidy boy, he'll keep the pockets clean by himself.

Both male and female rabbits have these pockets, and they are normal.

Hope that helps!
