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bunny broken toe!!!

22 10:41:33

Please help, today is Sunday and when I came home from work I noticed that my bunny was limping, I'm afraid that she may have broken a toe somehow, there is no blood anywhere so I am sure it's not a broken nail. She seems to be in pain because she is limping but she hasn't reduced her amount of activity, nor does she play less. My rabbit has always been extremely sensitive about her back feet and obviously will not let me touch them especially now. I know that doctors do not put a cast on a broken toe for humans, but what is the procedure for rabbits? should I bring her to the vet? How can I make her more comfortable in the meantime? (PS: she hates car rides almost as much as she hates her back feet being touched)I'm so worried about her.
Thanks you

Dear Amanda,

If she's not putting any weight on the leg at all, it's important to get her to a good rabbit vet:

It might be more than a toe that's broken, and if so, the bones need to be stabilized.

If she's putting weight on the foot, you might observe her for a day or so, and if she continues to show pain, then get her to the vet for examination and possible pain meds.  It could be a soft tissue injury that will heal on its own, but without the vet having a look, there's no way to know for sure.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope that helps.
