Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pasteurella or not?

pasteurella or not?

22 9:48:09

Hi thank you for your time.I have 3 month old female (Bella) harlequin she is my first rabbit got her from the pet store 18 days ago, she is in a big dog cage i let her walk around the living room she eats good I give her vegetables of a suggested list, pallets small amount hay unlimited , water bottle has her tray filled with aspen bedding where she goes and gets clean every 3 days and bottom of cage has newspaper. she has been sneezing and rubbing her nose once in my hand notice it was not clear but white sometimes has light green near her nose and i clean her nose with a tissue today was kinda pinkish i am really worry for her don't have money to take her to the bet her paws are dark but don't know if its from the newspaper i try potting her in bedding and news paper in the tray she didn't like it i know sneezing is normal but i am worry. thank you

Dear Nora,

It's not possible for me to diagnose her long-distance, but sneezing is a problem that should be addressed by a rabbit savvy vet.  You can find one here:

Please also see:

For all the best information on how to care for your new friend and keep her healthy and happy, be sure to use this as your one-stop Rabbit Care Locale:

Hope this helps.
