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Rabbit getting a cold

22 10:28:15

Hi there. I am actually wondering if rabbits are able to get colds from human? I have heard that it is impossible for them to get it from humans but want to make sure since my mom and I have a cold right now. If it is possible then we will stay away from our rabbit, Midow.

Also, what does it mean when they start licking wood or the wall? Midow does that sometimes out of no where...and sometimes when we are patting her she will use her head to nudge our hands...does that mean she want us to go away or that she likes it?

Thank you so much :)


Hello Amanda

Rabbits are in no danger of getting colds or viruses from humans.  She would be susceptible to picking up viruses from other rabbits, and other animals such as cats who carry pasturella.  Provided she is acting normal I wouldn't be to worried.

There are a few reasons she may be licking the wood.  She may be bored and may need more toys to play with, or she may just have a behavioral disorder.  By providing her with plenty of toys such as untreated wood blocks, hay, toilet paper rolls and even old phonebooks this should keep her busy enough to stop licking the walls.  Some people even give their bunnies salt spools to lick.  They don't need them for survival but they like them and they are not dangerous in moderation.  

The nudging could be from many things also.  If she has a painful tooth that you may be touching unknowingly she may be attempting to keep you away from her face.  If she is not spayed she could be displaying a mating ritual (yes bunnies sometimes think their owners make good mates), or she may just not want you to touch her.  Normally if this is the case they will give a small nip as to say 'leave me alone'.  She may very well be telling you 'hey I like that do it some more'.  Rabbits are funny creatures and it is often hard to interpret what they are saying.  My best advise to you is that if she isn't spayed to get her spayed, if she doesn't have plenty of toys make sure she does.  Make sure she continues to eat, drink and poop normally and that she acts happy in general.  Try a salt spool and if she seems to nudge continuously and acts annoyed then let her down for a while.  Honestly rabbits don't generally like to be handled.  It is their wild nature but teaching them that a good petting once in a while means you love them they usually come around.

I hope you and your mom feel better soon.  If you happen to have any guinea pigs in the house you want to stay away from them as they can indeed become severely ill from human colds.  I am certain that your bunny will be ok and when you both feel better you can continue to play with her and hopefully combat her boredom so that she stops licking the walls.

Good luck
