Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Excess skin on bunny

Excess skin on bunny

22 11:23:51

We were given a bunny who has a dewlap, but he also has extra skin in many areas. Why would this be?

Dear Beth,

Most bunnies with a dewlap are female, though males--especially of the larger breeds--also sometimes get them.  You don't say where the extra flaps of skin are, but if they're behind his front legs, on the lower part of his bum, and on his belly, they could be an indication of a present or previous weight problem.

If the "extra" flaps of skin are not fatty, then it's possible that he was once overweight, but then lost the excess fat.  The skin might not recede completely.  If the flaps of skin are bulgy, then bun might be overweight, and need to have his pelleted food cut back or eliminated in favor of plenty of varied fresh greens and unlimited timothy hay.  Please see:

for complete information on healthy rabbit diet.  

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
