Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit urine discolouration

Rabbit urine discolouration

22 11:20:59

My rabbit on occasion will have darker, orange or red urine. she seems perfectly healthy otherwise with no other complaints and she is going to the toilet regularly and normally. should I be concerned or is it a result of something she is eating?

Dear Danielle,

Many rabbits often pass urine that oxidizes to an orange, red, or even brown color.  No one knows for sure why this is, though it can be linked to certain medications, and some feel it's due to plant pigment breakdown products.

In the absence of any other symptoms of pain or discomfort, or straining to urinate, it is not something to worry about.  If, however, she is straining to urinate, spotting, or urinating in unusual places, you might want to read this:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.