Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Yummy/ Healthy

Yummy/ Healthy

22 11:07:22

Hi. I was wondering what rabbit food you would recommend to feed my two rabbits? They're mature adults now. Like what brand and type? Can you please name a couple of types so I can make sure they have it at either petco or petsmart? Thank-you!

Hi Vanessa,

whatever food pellets you give them, no matter what brand, just get only those brands that are pure pellets - no extra junk (seeds, fruit, nuts) in them.  Just pellets.

As mature rabbits, they should also only be given a timothy hay pellet.  Alfalfa pellets are too rich in calcium and can cause bladder stones/bladder sludge.  Avoid them.  

I have tended to go with Oxbow Timothy Pellets (Oxbow Bunny Basics T).  They are just Timothy pellets, but most rabbits seem to like them.  I don't have much exposure to other brands, but I am pretty sure Kaytee (my second choice in other things) would have a pellet-only timothy pellet food.

If neither of these are around, just ask someone there for all the different timothy-pellet only rabbit food pellets they offer.  If they have more than one, get a small bag of each and see if your guys like one better than the other.  Then go with whichever one they like better.

The other thing to note is that (as a general rule) you just can't switch rabbits over in one day to a new pellet.  The exception is if they really like it a lot more than what they currently are on.  Chances are what you will have to do is gradually change them over.  Make up some mixtures with the following percentages, enough for a couple weeks' each:

Week 1-2:  75% old pellets, 25% new pellets

Week 3-4:  50% old / 50% new pellets

Week 5-6:  75% old / 25% new pellets

By the end of the sixth week, you can switch them 100% over to the new pellets.
