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lifespan of silver marten

22 10:21:00

I have a silver marten rabbit and I was wondering how long is the life span of a silver marten rabbit?


for most rabbits, including yours, breed is not nearly as much of a factor as other things.

If they are not fixed, lifespans are shorter.

If they are outdoors, lifespans are significantly shorter.

If they are fed an improper diet, they will die sooner.

An indoor house rabbit that is spayed/neutered, with proper diet and regular medical exams, will ive about 10-12 years, or more.  10-12 is a good average.

For an outdoor hutch rabbit, 5-6 years.

for rabbits not altered, females 5-6 before dying early of uterine cancer.  Males are at higher risk of testicular cancer.

Overweight rabbits and rabbits not eating the proper things, die earlier.
