Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit allergies?

rabbit allergies?

22 11:26:02

This particular rabbit is sneezing a good amount of seems to get into a "fit" of sneezing and goes on like that for a minute or two at a time, one after the other.  Is he allergic to something in the cage? I'm clueless on the subject, thanks for any help you can offer.

Dear Gregg,

It is very unlikely for a rabbit to have allergies, but upper respiratory infections are common.  These are almost always caused by bacteria, not viruses, and must be treated with an appropriate antibiotic.  Please read:

and this one, in order to save yourself some time and trouble in "guessing" about an antibiotic:

To find a good rabbit vet who can examine and prescribe proper treatment, please visit:

and use the list linked there to find a good vet in your area.  I hope this helps!
