Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Recomend what kind?

Recomend what kind?

22 11:07:22

Hi. I was wondering what rabbit food is the best/healthiest kind to feed my two rabbits? They're mature adults now. Like what brand and type? Can you please name a couple of types so I can make sure they have it at either petco or petsmart? Thank-you!

Dear Vanessa,

We use Purina Hi Fiber lab chow #5326, but I don't think you can get that at either of the pet supermarkets.  The best brand carried by those chains, as far as I know, is Kaytee.  But DON'T buy Fiesta, which is garbage.  Kaytee Exact is an all-pellet food that is of reasonable quality.

Excellent pellets are available at some other locations and online from Oxbow Hay Company:

and American Pet Diner:

A little more pricey, but if you're feeding only two bunnies, it's probably worth it.  They also sell the very best hay, which is the most important part of the diet:

Hope that helps.
