Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how to be close to my rabbit

how to be close to my rabbit

22 11:37:53

Followup To
Question -
hi, my rabbit seems to hate me everytime i carry him n when i put him in his hatch. i sometimes let him out but he doesnt want to be put back in his hatch. i had a previous rabbit and everytime i called his name he comes to me and let me pat him and carry him. but this one doesnt how do i deal with these problem?

Answer -
Hi Jona,
       Just before i answer your question is your rabbit a female or a male.
         Thanks from Natasha.

Hi Natasha,
my rabbit is a male! Thanks for your reply!

Hi Jona,
       well im not exsactly sure why your rabbit is being like this.I think the best thing you can try and do is try and spend as much time with your rabbit as you can.I know he might not like it when you carry him but its what somtimes male rabbits can be like.Just try and spend time with him,play with him if you can,love and if he starts to change then try and cuddle him and that and of course keep saying his name.
He might then notice that you arnt a fret to him.

Hope this helps and good luck from Natasha.