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Why do you think my rabbit died?

22 11:37:53

Hello. Last week, on a Friday, my rabbit died. When I found her, she was in her hutch. All four legs were sticking straight out. She was stiff. Her eyes were wide open. The day before that, my sister said she saw the rabbit's head bobbing up and down and my rabbit wouldn't stop doing that. My sister said she was reminded of a bobble head by this action. Two to three weeks prior, my rabbit had an infection in her lip. Her lip was swollen and pussy. We were just about to bring her to the vet when the infection was gone. She had the infection for about four days. First of all, are any of these incidences interrelated? Second of all, do you have any theory's of why she may have died? I would just like to know why each of these things happened. Thank you. :)

Dear Stephanie,

Without an autopsy, there is no way to know for sure why she died.  However, if she had an abscess on her lip, it is possible that there was more infection inside, and possibly in her ears and other areas of the head.  This can result in a lack of balance and the head bobbing, which might have been due to vertigo (dizziness).

You can read more about this condition here:

Any infection like this can become systemic, meaning that bacteria enter the bloodstream and can kill very quickly.  This *might* have been what happened to your bunny, but again, there is no way to know for sure without more information.

And if you ever see *any* sign that a rabbit is ill, you must get him/her to the vet immediately, without delay.  Rabbits are very stoic about showing signs of illness, and by the time you notice severe symptoms, it may be too late.  You can read more about how to tell if a bunny is sick, and what to do here:

I wish I could help you more definitively, but no one could (or should) make a guess about what your bunny died from without more information and an autopsy.  There simply is no way to know for sure.  

I am sorry about your loss.
