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Dana, I might be getting...

22 11:24:15

 I might be getting a pet rabbit and im wondering whats the best kind of rabbit to get?

Dear Kristina,

The short answer is:  a RESCUED rabbit!  Please go here:

and click on the side button that says "chapters" in order to find the rabbit rescue group nearest to you.  The fosterers can introduce you to a variety of bunnies who are already spayed/neutered and who have known personalities.  They can help you determine who's right for you (and vice versa)!

Sometimes you'll hear breeders say that a particular breed has such-and-such a personality.  It's just not reliable.  There are as many rabbit personalities as there are individual rabbits.  Some are shy, some aggressive, some friendly, and some in between.  That's why it's a good idea to get a young adult bunny, rather than a baby.  Baby rabbits in pet stores (or at a breeder) are cute, but (1) there's no way to know the personality that will come out when the rabbit hits puberty (Some of the sweetest bunnies we've known were very shy as babies, and some of the most aggressive, biting bunnies were very gentle as babies!).

By adopting a bunny, you'll save a life, and will send a message to breeders and pet stores that you are not interested in feeding the pet overpopulation problem that results in thousands of rabbits dying every year in shelters or in parks and other "wild" places where owners who have tired of them dump them to fend for themselves (they can't).

Please read the interesting articles on rabbit care at on litterbox training, etc.  You'll be surprised at how much there is to know before you get a bunny.  You can read about what to expect from your first bunny here:

Hope this helps!  Please write back if you have any other questions.
