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rabbits and fowl together

22 11:24:15

my wife raises rabbits and chickens and exotic fowl.the fowl roost in the same barn in which her rabbits are housed.ive noticed that sometimes the fowl have flown upon some of the rabbit cages.thus they may have ,or at the least,could possibly urinate or poop on their cages.ive discussed with my wife that fowl carry certain diseases that do not effect them but they could pass those diseases on to other animals through their waste.weve had a couple rabbits die.we give them fresh clean water daily,hay and dumore show quality rabbit feed[the best we can purchase here]can you elaborate on my concerns about the fowl and rabbits having access to each other and any health concerns that may pose?thank you so much.i just want for our rabbits to have the very best care and health.if i can make any changes to increase their care or health im open to your knowlege.

Dear Mr. Crawford,

Your concerns are warranted.  Of special concern is the fact that most chickens carry Salmonella bacteria, which is transmitted via their feces.  If rabbits come into contact with chicken poop, they can become fatally ill from Salmonella.

I would keep the rabbits and chickens completely separated from each other.

For more information on the most current rabbit health and care tips, please visit:


I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
