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Rabbit Tumor?

22 9:53:20

Hi, I have a five year old rabbit, and for the last two or three weeks I have noticed that one of her nipples is slightly swollen. It's kinda like a soft lump, but she doesn't have any symptoms, and she's fine with me touching it. She hasn't been spayed, so I'm worrying this may be some sort of tumor. Should we bring her to the vet, or should we just keep an eye on it for a while?

Dear Brooke,

If this is mammary cancer, then the sooner it is removed and she is spayed, the better.  DO NOT keep an eye on it for a while before getting her to a rabbit-experienced vet.  Find one here:

and have this examined NOW.  Her life could depend on your getting her there quickly.  It might just be inflammation or maybe mastitis.  But maybe noe.  And cancer caught early is cancer more treatable.
