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Should I give my bunny a bath

22 10:33:17

I have a black bunny about 9 months old.  I have never given him a bath, or groomed him.  He does not have a bad odor, but I was at the pet store and saw some things to keep him clean.  Should I purchase over the counter vitamins and shampoos or should I take hime to the vet/groomer?

Dear Marsha,

Do not bathe your bunny.  Rabbits not only don't need to be bathed, they also can be so badly stressed by a bath that they can go into shock and die.  Not all rabbits are this nervous about a bath, but I would not take any chances.

Those "cleany" products are meant only to thin your wallet.  They are not appropriate for rabbits.  If you ever do need to spot clean him for any reason, you can find safe instructions here:

Hope this helps.
