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My mini rex is shedding a great deal, the vet said it was molting but I am not sure..

22 10:38:15

My mini rex is about 10 months old. He has began shedding like crazy. First it was on his belly and sides, and I could literally just pull the hair out without it ripping from his skin and I would have multiple patches on my floor. The hair was white where it came out of his coat (he is a chocolate color), and underneath it a new coat was growing. So I figured maybe he was growing a winter coat or something. Then it got a bit better, but now he is shedding on his top half of his body, as to where I can pull out the hair again. Then it started coming off on his face and I pulled it off, and usually after it comes off there is hair underneath it but on his face there wasn't so now there is a bald spot (not to mention I feel really bad for pulling it out but it was falling out). So I called my vet and she said it was normal and it was called "molting" and the rabbit will do it for like three weeks once or twice a year. But I am just trying to get another opinion to make sure he is okay due to the lack of hair that was growing on his face. I am trying not to pull it out anymore and just brush him and let it come out on its own. So if you could please let me know what you think I would really appreciate it. He is my first rabbit and I want him to be okay!

Thank you,

Hi Karen,

it sounds like a heavy shed.  Rabbits can shed fur all different ways.  Some start losing it all over at the same time.  Others lose it on the face and towards the back, some lose it from the bottom up.  You will see shed lines as the shedding progresses in a certain direction on them.

I usually don't pull the fur on the face, I let it come out on its own.  Mini-rexes have such short fur there I let the new fur push out the old fur.  They will normally take care of this anyway with their normal face-cleaning grooming.

Shedding can happen 4 times a year or more.  Two heavier sheds, and two lighter sheds.  Being inside at a more constant temp sometimes confuses the body and you may get shedding occurring at a time you weren't expecting it.
