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My rabbit has stopped eating and gone very quiet

22 9:44:48

I noticed yeaterday when i went out to feed my rabbits that one of my little boys peanut had not eaten any food, he has drank a little i have had a good look at him and can't see anything a miss with him.As i noticed he was sitting alot in the bottom of the hutch the run compartment which is cold at the minute i moved him to the top and shut the run off for the night on checking him later he was sat in the same place i had left him and again this morning he was still there he moves when I open the door and hops about but that is it. He seems to be passing urine and normal stools but he is definatly not right he is 6 months old a netherland dwarf cross and normally very active he lives seperatly from his dad and his mum and sisters but there hutches are close to each other and i don't want then to catch anything he may have I have got him booked in at the vets for morning but is there anything I can do in the mean time
Thanks Jill

Try to get him to eat some rabbit safe veggies.  If you put water on them that will help him hydrate.  If he is not eating his favorite treat this is really a true emergency.  Anytime a rabbit stops eating it is cause for alarm.  The only thing and the best thing you can do is to get him to a rabbit savvy vet asap.  If you do not have a vet that is familiar with rabbits you can try this list.

Good luck
