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How to help a hurt bunny

22 10:30:09

There is a hurt bunny in by backyard, I dont know what to do because my dog attacked it and it is bleeding from its head. Help me please

Well, the best thing for the rabbit is to get it to a vet.

There really isn't going to be anything you can do on your own, unless it's a small scratch that is just bleeding a lot.  In that case, you can try to put pressure on the wound until it stops bleeding.  Then you can put some neosporin on it to help it heal and not get infected.

But if it is a severe wound, which it sounds like it is, a vet is going to be the only help for the rabbit.

If it is a wild rabbit, you may have a difficult time finding a vet.  In some states, vets cannot treat wildlife.  But you're not going to know for sure until you call around and ask.  If it is a wild rabbit, the vets you call may have numbers for wildlife rehabilitators who can help the rabbit.

If it's a pet rabbit, any vet clinic who has someone experienced in rabbits can help the rabbit out.

Hope this helps you out