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Something on my rabbits eyelid and side....

22 10:29:19

I have two california mix rabbits and one of them has hair loss on it's left eyelid and it is red and a bit swollen the other rabbit has something that looks like a scrape or a scratch with hair loss as well on it's side. The rabbits were grooming eachother at those spots so I was wondering if they were doing that to themselves or if they have an infection? I Know that it just happened today because I checked them yesterday and they were perfectly normal. Maybe you could help me? They are sisters and they are exactly 6 months old on the 2nd of June

Hello Jane

What your discribing dont sound good. I really dont know what it could be as i cant see your bunny.

It does sound like it can be some sort of infection and if they carry on sratching it then it may get worse.

I would go and see a vet asap.

good luck
