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possible seizure

22 10:18:16

My 10 year old dwarf rabbits health has been declining over the past couple of years. Her once healthy coat is becoming matted, and she is loosing hair in some spots. She can't move very well, and her back seems to have trouble. She's become very irritable and dislikes leving the cage. Last month, she had a 'seizure' type episode. It's almost like she falls down, and can't get up. But she relly freaks out, and won't calm down until we pick her up, and after that she is a little off.  This has happened about 5 times now. Two of them were yesterday. I'm bringing her to get put to sleep today and I just want to make sure it's the rigt thing to do, it's breaking my heart.

Dear Stacey,

I wish you had asked this question *before* deciding to euthanize her.  It sounds as if what's ailing her could be treatable!  You can't ever expect an instant answer on an internet service like this, so I hope you waited for my reply before doing anything drastic.

The fur problem could be just fur mites, and perhaps other mites--and this alone could make her irritable.  The falling down could be due to arthritis (treatable with NSAIDs) or to E. cuniculi (treatable with Panacur and/or ponazuril).  

In my opinion, the aches and pains of old age are not reason enough to put someone to death, especially without trying to treat the problems.  Her teeth need a good check for molar spurs, and she may need a good wellness check, including bloodwork.  But I hope you won't give up on her just yet!  Get her to a good rabbit vet who will know what to do and how to treat:

I hope this helps, and it's not too late.
