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Guinea Pig Help

22 11:37:02

Hi Dana,
About a year ago you directed me to a website with folks who were experts in guinea pig help. I believe it was, but this isn't working anymore.

Do you know what they may have changed their site to, or if theres another group you can direct me toward?


Dear Amber,

Because I'm not involved with guinea pig rescue, I'm not sure what happened to that group.  But I have found an excellent web site that also has links to forums on guinea pig health.  Please try:

As I said, I'm no guinea pig expert.  But this site looks as if it's set up with sensibilities similar to those of the House Rabbit Society, so I'd give them a try.

If that doesn't work, one of our House Rabbit Society chapter managers, Sandi Ackerman, is also very good with guinea pig information.  You can email her via the Washington House Rabbit Society web site at:

Good luck!
