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pet rabbit scatching us

22 11:14:57

Hello- we recently got our 12 year old son and dwarf rabbit, age est. 4 months,her name is "Harley". She is learning the litter box, eats well, cage kept clean, seems to be happy and healthy, but when we try to get her out of her cage to run free throughout the house, she scatches the heck out of us till we put her down. I have read several books on pet rabbits and read how to hold them, but nothing seems to help. Before you ask, yes, we have rabbit proofed the house, no visable wires or things for her get hurt on or in. I didn't know if this was normal behavior, we have only had her a little over a week. I guess I should give it more time, she doesn't really know us and she is young.


Yes, Harley is telling you very emphatically to "let me down."  Rabbits in general do not like to be picked up, and some of them get quite violent about being let down.

Can you let her out by herself, or make a ramp so she can get out, so that you don't have to pick her up?

There will be some times you will have to handle her, and you can read more about that at

She will hopefully eventually tolerate being handled, but while she is little she probably won't, because she will want to be down and exploring all the time.

You can also read more about rabbit body language at
