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My rabbit is sleeping all day and losing hair.

22 9:55:44

I lost two of my rabbits during a heat wave, one was his brother and one was his girlfriend TWO MONTHS AGO, and my rabbit is still depressed. I bought him two little baby boy bunnies, who LOVE him. he hasn't been eating as much, but he will get upset if I'm late feeding him, and he's been drinking alot of water. He has a big plastic cat toy/ball thing that jingles that he likes to pass back a forth with me, but now he just hides in the back of his cage. he's never been a very happy rabbit, He's two and he's already been through 1 home three times, in between three abusive homes, and nobody would ever want to play with him because he's not very nice. He hates everyone except me, but he usually loves to cuddle with me and watch Television with me, but now he doesn't want to do anything. he's a giant flemish/new zealand mix. He really means alot to me especially after losing the other two, one a miracle cancer survivor. please help me.


Dear Sara,

Don't assume his behavior is just depression. He may be sick.  Please read:

and then get him to a good rabbit vet:

for a complete checkup, including a look at his molars for spurs.  He may be in pain, not grief, and it's important not to let the loss of his siblings become a Red Herring that blinds you to a more obvious problem.

I hope he will be fine.  But the sooner you get him to a good rabbit vet for a complete check, including molars, bloodwork, etc., the better.

Hope this helps.
