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bene bac

22 11:22:48

My rabbit (5 y.o.) had a small recurring abscess on her foot.  She is currently being treated with Baytril for the last 3 days.  I have a tube of Bene-bac probiotic to supplement the "good" bacteria lost by the antibiotic.  Unfortunately I misjudged the dose and gave her about 3 gm. in one dose of the bene-bac when she was only supposed to get 1 gm. a day.  I did speak to my vet and he said not to give her anymore and keep an eye on her, she should excrete the extra probiotic and use only what her body needs.   She is eating hay and drinking but will not eat her pelletted food.  It has only been 10 hours since I gave her the probiotic but I am worried.  Can you tell me how long approx. it will take her stomach to get back on track?  

Dear Lisa,

It's doubtful that this will cause any lasting problems.  The only thing I can imagine is that the extra bacteria might make her gassy, in which case a dose of pediatric simethicone (1-2cc) and a bit of tummy massage will help a great deal.

I agree with the vet.  Keep an eye on her, and if you see no problems within about 24-36 hours, she'll probably be just fine.
