Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Hind Leg Broken??

Hind Leg Broken??

22 10:38:13

This morning my dad picked up one of my bunnies, but it started thrashing and kicking. Eventually she fell out of his arms, I know he picked her up right. So now she is limping and she doesn't put any pressure on the leg and she's breathing really fast, and she's been doing it ever since. She's eating and pooping and everytime i touch the leg to examine it she wobbles away. I don't know what to do, we're thinking of just waiting a day for it to possibly go by. I really don't know what to do...

Dear Kayon,

Please get the bunny to a good rabbit vet now.  He is in pain, and needs immediate medical attention.  If you had fallen and were unable to use your leg, your parents would have you in the emergency room within minutes.

Please do the same for your bunny.

I hope this helps.
