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Treating eye infections from home

22 10:41:22

Dear Dr. Krempels

I am a Canadian student who keeps two lovely house rabbits who occasionally suffer bouts of conjunctivitis. As a student, I am, of course, dirt poor. While I prefer to seek veterinary help when my rabbits are unwell, the costs of a checkup ($100+) to obtain a prescription to treat pink eye is a little much for my chequebook. Are there a any safe over-the-counter products I can use to clear up mild and uncomplicated eye infections in my 2-and-1/2 year old neutered male dwarf and (large)1-year old spayed female mystery breed?

Dear Megan,

True conjunctivitis is rare in rabbits.  I would not assume that any inflammation you are seeing is simply that.  There may be serious underlying condition that is causing the eyes to run, such as molar root overgrowth, blocked tear duct, etc.  Please read:

You don't say what the signs are that make you think this is conjunctivitis, but since rabbits *often* have runny eyes, I will assume that's it for now, unless you tell me otherwise.

That said, I cannot recommend any over-the-counter remedies, since you really do not know what you are treating.  Warm compresses would be the only safe thing to apply until you get a proper diagnosis from a good rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I would be irresponsible to tell you this can be safely treated at home without knowing what it really is.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
