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Unusual seizure

22 11:07:38

Our Devon Rex just had a seizure that lasted 15 minutes, or 5 minutes of shaking and the remainder (and still presently) labored breathing/dazed...have read some of your other responses to seizure questions, ie. dental problems (pain)...he does have some dental issues.  Any environmental issues that we need to be aware of...any other info you can share.

Thanks much


Dear Suaz,

Rabbits can have epilepsy, and I would recommend that you get the bunny to a good rabbit vet for a good "once over."  It would be a good idea to ask for complete blood count and chemistry panel via a blood draw, so the vet can check for signs of toxicity or even parasite infestation.

In some rare cases, intradermal mites can cause such severe itching that seizures result.  These can be treated with Revolution (selamectin) from the vet.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
