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In over my head, please help

22 9:46:11


I need a bit of advice on my bunnies.  I have owned bunnies for several years, but the latest events have really thrown me off and I could use some sound advice from someone who actually knows rabbits.

Here is the situation:  I had one bunny, a neutered female.  I took her to a well known and respected rescue several years ago and bonded her with two more bunnies, an neutered male and a neutered female (or so I thought).  I have had the bunnies together for 4 years with no problems.  They have a room in our house, are all litter trained and pretty friendly.

About two weeks ago, I was helping a friend who raises rabbits for show and meat.  As a thank you, he gave me a silver fox breed buck.  He was not neutered yet, but I thought since he was letting me have my pick, it would be best to introduce the animals before bringing him home to prevent issues later.  The bonding went great, so we brought him home with no problems.  A week later, my neutered male that I've had for years suddenly started guarding the food that they had been sharing.  A fight broke out and my neutered male was mauled.  I took him to the emergency vet and got him taken care of.  Come to find out - he is an intact she....and probably pregnant.  I have to assume that the female (who is really female) that I got from the same rescue and the same original owner is also intact and pregnant, as they were surrendered as neutered.  I plan to get the new male neutered very soon, but as to the two rescue rabbits I have, I need some guidance.

So, here are my questions:
1) when can I remove the sutures and suture staples from my bunny that got mauled?  She is separated from the others, but still in sight of them to heal, but hopefully not break the bond (anymore than necessary).  Also, I was given an elizabethan collar for her...she slipped it off and ate it...but she isn't bothering the sutures more than an occasional lick.  I have checked them and they are intact.  Should I worry?

2) Should I remove my second, unharmed female that may be pregnant from the group?  At what point?

3) Can I place my two possibly pregnant females together as they've been bonded for years?  Or is this just a bad idea?

4) Both of the rescue females are at least 6 years old, maybe older.  Are they too old to neuter?  Would you recommend splitting the four rabbits into 2 pairs?

Thank you for any and all help you can offer.

hi Kristin the answers are as follows
1. the sutures should be the dissolve type so you have no need to remove them yourself-if they are not dis-solvable i would get the vet to do it as the rabbit will be awkward to hold still

remove the second female from the group, all pregnant does need t be on their own

never put two pregnant does together

i would not have them spayed just keep the bucks away from them at all times