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Bunny not eating enough

22 11:09:16

I have an american fuzzy lop that caught a respiratory illness last Thursday.  Wednesday she was fine. She was eating and drinking. Thursday she had upper respiratory sounds.I took her to the emergency vet and got her right on Baytril. It is now 5 days later and all signs of illness are gone.  My problem is that she is not eating as she should.  She nibbles only a little hay.  I have been syringe feeding her bunny gruel twice a day and giving her water.  She is making normal fecal pellets and urinating fine.  She is even hopping all around the house.  I have tried to entice her with treats of apples, papaya, and sunflower seeds.  Her color is good.  She seems happy. She does not resist for me to feed her. Should I continue to feed her or let her get hungry to see if she will start eating on her own again?  She still has a few days of Baytril to take.  They gave me a 7 day supply.

Dear Jennifer,

I'm glad your bunny is feeling better.  But to tell you the truth, I'd get the bunny to a good rabbit vet:

for treatment.  Seven days is generally not nearly long enough a course of antibiotics for a rabbit with an upper respiratory infection.

If she's producing normal fecal pellets, then the problem is not likely to be ileus, but please read this, anyway:

It would be a good idea for the new vet to do a complete dental exam, including molars, since molar spurs can be the source of inappetence, and can contribute to other health problems:

Keep feeding bunny until she eats on her own.  She needs the help, or she would not be inappetent.

I hope this helps.
