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snuffles disease

22 10:03:50

My sisters old rabbit has got the snuffles disease. She has moved him far away from my rabbit and out of his old cage. I was wondering if its safe to put my rabbit in that cage?? The disease can only be spread by direct contact, cant it?

Dear Georgie,

Contrary to popular belief, upper respiratory infections (commonly called "snuffles" are NOT easily spread between rabbits, even with close contact.  If the two rabbits are friends, then separating them might do more harm than good, since separation from a bonded pal causes stress, and stress will compromise the immune system of *both* rabbits.  

The other bunny already has been exposed, so keeping them apart if they're usually together isn't going to help.

In any case, clean the cage thoroughly with detergent, rinse well, and allow to dry in the sun completely.  No sense in taking chances that other things could be transmitted.

Now, as for the snuffles:  it's not "a disease."  It's a term used to describe a symptom, like you saying that you have the "sniffles" when you have a cold or allergy.  What you need to do for the older bunny is to read this:

and then get him to an experienced rabbit vet for proper treatment with appropriate antibiotics, or other treatments (e.g., dental work) that the vet feels are necessary to solve this problem.  It's treatable, and the bunny needs the services of a good vet.  Find one here:

I hope this helps.
