Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > female dwarf emotionally unattached

female dwarf emotionally unattached

22 10:59:21

i got my bunny 3 days ago and it is very distant im not sure if she is scared but she is always hiding and is afraid to be picked up ... i have heard that female dwarfs are less efectionate and playful then male dwarfs is that true???


From my experience most dwarfs whether male or female are moody and high strung.  Many rabbits absolutely hate to be picked up.  Since you just got her you are going to have to work with her to let her know that she can feel safe in her new home.  Try sitting on the floor in the room where she is kept.  You might have to sit there for hours but eventually the quizzical nature inside will take over.  She will wonder what you are up to and come to investigate.  

Just get down on her level.  You might never be able to pick her up but after she gets used to you she might let you pet her.  At the very least she will inter-act socially a bit more.

If she has no improvement after a few more days and after following the instructions then please let me know and I will try to help you figure out what is wrong.

