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mange in pet rabbit

22 10:47:25

hello i am an indian and my rabbit is suffering from mange and is affected in areas around ears,legs and eyes.what kind of treatment should be adopted in such a case?the local vet here is suggesting a dip in sum strong pesticide from USA and says that after the dip there are chances of death too.the cure mentioned in the net is ivermectin but it seems its not available here. please suggest if we should proceed according to the doctor's procedure or is there a better cure available for him?thank you

Dear Priyoma,

Ivermectin should be available around the world, and it is definitely going to be your first choice for treatment of this problem.  DO NOT dip the bunny in pesticide if you want him to survive.  He won't survive being dipped in pesticide!

For complete information:

Please ask your vet to contact local veterinarians who treat livestock.  Most of these vets will have ivermectin.  You can use a very small injection of the 10% solution used for cattle (0.1ml should do the trick), and follow it up with a second injection of the same amount in 10-14 days.

I am *sure* you can get ivermectin, and this will be the bunny's best hope.  If not, please write back and I'll try to help with something else.  But I really think you can get ivermectin where you are, if you look to the right people.

I hope this helps.
