Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I want to buy a rabbit and i want to know if a rabbit can use a hamster ball.

I want to buy a rabbit and i want to know if a rabbit can use a hamster ball.

22 10:49:52

one of my freinds said that they can ,but my other freind Jordan said that they can't. which is true?

Hi Sawyer,

no you should not use a hamster ball with a rabbit.  One of the reasons they are called 'hamster balls', not 'rabbit balls'.

You may want to take a little more time to read up on rabbits and their needs.  They are not a good first pet or handle lots of noises and fast movements around them like a dog or cat will tolerate.  They also do not do well being around young children who can make a lot of noise and possibly accidentally injure them because they don't know how strong they are/how delicate rabbits are.  

Take some time and go to the House Rabbit Society web site ( and read up on them.  They have hundreds of articles on all aspects of rabbits, and they can help you determine if you/your house is a good house for a rabbit to live in.
