Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 45 days rabbit doesnt hop around

45 days rabbit doesnt hop around

22 9:39:13

I got 2 male rabbits which are now 45 days old. One of them who was very active earlier has now started showing signs of lethargy. He is eating his food of alfalfa hay, pellets, greens which includes celery, parsley, cilantro & cauliflower leaves & a small piece of banana. He's excreting normal. I got his legs checked & there is no deformality. He is breathing normally, no panting. Still he just hops a few steps & lie down. What could be the problem? Please help.

Dear Aditi,

There are so many possibilities that it's impossible for me to diagnose what might be wrong without more information.  The best option is to take the bunny to a veterinarian who can do a full exam.  You might be able to find one who is familiar with rabbit medicine using the international listings linked here:

In the meantime, please read:

for tips on how to tell if your bunny is ill, and what to do until you can get him to a vet.

Check the bunny all over, including turning him over to be sure there's nothing alarming on his underside.  Check his teeth, to see if they are overgrown, preventing him from eating.  Check his feet to be sure they are not ulcerated or otherwise showing signs of injury.

I hope he will be fine.
