Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Runt of the litter...

Runt of the litter...

22 10:28:22

Hi, At the moment i have at least 6 kits in my rabbits nest, at 9 days old. They all look happy, healthy and lively exept an extremly small (half the size of the others)kit that i think is the runt of the litter. You can see its bones and i'm worried that it might be getting squished by the others. Is there anything i can give it to increase its weight without it having to take it out of the nest or should i just let nature take its course?
Many thanks Amy

hello amy

it is so hard seeing the runt of the litter, they always look so ill and poorly. I have had many experience with this and every time i have tried to help the poor little bunny they just never survive and it makes it much harder for me to cope with as i grow close to them.Your mum bunny is not feeding the runt as she knows that he will not survive. It is totally your choice amy, but if i would have a choice again i would let nature take its course because in my heart i know that there will be no hope for him/her. however the babies i tried to help only survived around 4-5 days, and so far your bunny has survived 9 days, talk it over with your vet and hopefully will be able to give you some more advice.

good luck and hope this helps
