Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New bunny seems lathargic

New bunny seems lathargic

22 10:54:37

We just got a new holland lop baby bunny. The first day he was fine, active. The second day he seems to be a bit lathargic and I cant tell if he is eating or drinking. Could he just be getting used to his new environment? I have made an appt with the vet but wont be seen for another 4 days.

Dear Lorrie,

Whenever a young rabbit is lethargic and inappetent, you should consider it an emergency.  Many babies are sold too young to leave their mothers, and suffer serious intestinal disorders that can kill quickly.  Please read:

and if you see *any* sign of runny stool, please read this:

and get him to a good rabbit vet *immediately*, and not wait four days.  You can find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

I hope this helps, and that your baby will be fine.  But locate a good vet now who can see you on short notice, just in case.  I hope you won't need him/her, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Take care,