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Rabbit Ear

22 10:12:55

My Lop Holland rabbit seems to have a lil sore or cut in its ear. It looks kinda like a pimple but has a cut in the middle of it and is still a bump thats slightly red,  but it seems to have dried up and looks as if it has been there for a few days and healed or might scab over(not crusty or flakey like with ear mites). Do u think its just a scratch or something worse, and should i get it checked out immedietly?

Hi Missy,

It is most likely a scratch.  But with a Holland Lop, if I were to make an error in judgement, it would be on the side of caution.  A Holland has very small ear canals....and when you pair that with the reduced air circulation....your have a very warm and moist climate.  That is perfect breeding grounds for bacteria and yeast.  We have several Hollands...and we don't usually see a lot of scratches unless their ears are itching....and an infection deep inside the ear can cause itching.  In this case, I think I would error on the side of caution and have it looked at by a vet.