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My rabbit hit his head

22 10:29:25

This morning my rabbit scrabbled out of my arms and fell (he didn't fall far as as soon as he started to scrabble I started to put him down). As he fell he hit the side of his nose/cheek on his cage. He then started sniffing loudly and paw-ing his nose, however this stopped after about a minute and his behaviour seemed to return to normal. I examined his face and there was no bleeding, and it didn't seem uncomfortable for him when I touched his face. I stayed sitting with him for about an hour after this and he seemed fine - he was running around me as usual making little 'hmmm hmmmm hmmm' noises and he was eating normally. However I cannot help but be a bit worried about him. Should I be concerned?

Hello Jessica

It's nice to see that you are a really caring owner. I really dont think that you should be concerned as he seems to be back to his normal happy self and is eating properly. I have a house rabbit and he is always knocking his nose and rubs it after.then a couple of seconds later he's running about again :-)  

hope this helps
