Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Foul Smelling Urine in healthy neutered rabbit?

Foul Smelling Urine in healthy neutered rabbit?

22 9:45:13

Hi. My neutered, litter trained, male bunny is 2 years old and seemingly healthy. There has never been an odor issue with his cage, but a few days ago his urine started to smell very strongly.  I changed the cage but the next day it smelled awful again, and when I came home from work today the entire house reeked like a dirty diaper. I didn't see any wet droppings or signs of diarrhea. His activity seems normal and he seems to be eating and drinking normally.

I should tell you that he's an expert at getting into purses and backpacks that aren't hung up --and has consumed quite a bit of chewing gum over the past year. (believe me we try to be very careful but he's amazingly tricky.

Thank you very much

Dear Margo,

Rabbit urine can have a strong smell in an un-neutered/unspayed bunny, but a really stinky, nasty smell usually spells urinary tract infection.  Please get bun to an experienced rabbit vet:

and please read:

Sometimes a rabbit will show no sign of pain or discomfort with a UTI, but you can sure smell it.

I hope this gets you on the track to solution of this problem.

Good luck,
