Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Female wont groom male bunny.

Female wont groom male bunny.

22 9:50:39

I have a male & female bunny that I bonded and they have lived in the same cage for almost two months. The male is a hotot dwarf and the female is a black short haired bunny we got from our local shelter. The male is always grooming the female but the female will not groom back ever!!! Why is this? She loves to be groomed and always lays her head down for it. She also stomps her foot way more than the other rabbits I have owned in the past. Just wanted your opinion. I thought 2 bonded bunnies groomed each other because it is a natural thing to do. We would appreciate your advise. Thanks

Dear Leslie,

I hope both bunnies are spayed/neutered, or you'll be in for a surprise.  :(

As for the grooming, there are some very dominant individuals that just don't seem to want to reciprocate the nice kissing they get!  It doesn't seem fair, but that's just the way some buns are.  Takers, not givers.  So give your boy bunny extra love and snuggles so he knows he's not completely a door mat.  :)  

He loves her anyway, or he'd stop grooming her.  I've known human couples like that.  8P

Hope this helps.
