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my 9 or ten year old rabbit is in trouble

22 9:50:38

Hello Dana,

My big girl rabbit has had 2 recent dental surgeries performed on her- the doc removed a broken piece of tooth the 1st visit and filed a bottom row of teeth the next. She's not really been her self since. During the 2nd visit he saw a molar that was starting to pocket, but didn't want to pull it hoping it would work itself out. She's quit eating hay, does'nt eat as much veggies and has become real finicky. She was in stasis before the first sugery and as well before the 2nd! She was in big sheds before both problems. As much as I combed her out she still has some hair in her poop. This a rabbit, that for the 8 years I've had her, never needed sub-q water. Her temp has been 102.6 for
a few months at least. It never varies... is that normal ? I've given her 50 ml of water, .2 of medicam and some simethicone and she's back to eating ( but still finicky ). She strains when she pees... I'm taking her in asap to my vet, who is an excellent rabbit doctor and surgeon.
She's had what seem to be some big belch/sneezes? lately. Every now and then, when she chews, she makes a motion that is like she is trying to get something free from her jaw. She quit doing that after both surgeries for a bit.  Talked to the doc today and he's thinking teeth or possibly kidneys. Wants to do a blood workup as well. She acts normal in a lot of ways, but just hasn't been the same 'ole Gabby... Any advice would be greatly appreciated !...

Dear Sheldon,

I would not be surprised if she has a dental root abscess or other painful dental problem.  Though she does not have a fever (the temperature you give is in the normal range, though on the higher end of normal), she might still be cooking bacteria in her mouth.

We have found that injectable Penicillin G Procaine/Benzathine can work wonders for head abscesses involving the teeth and ears.  You might wish to ask the vet about that.

I am glad she's going to see a good vet soon, and hope all will be well.
