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Euthanasia chamber vs. injection

22 10:44:24


I had to have a rabbit put to sleep due to cancer this past weekend.  I asked that I be able to be with her and the vet was hesitant but then allowed it.  She gave me 2 options and said that she could use an injection but that it was very hard to reach a vein or that she could go in a anesthesia chamber and something would be directly injected into her heart.

I just wanted to say that I was very sad with the experience.  She tried the injection and she kept missing.  Finally through my teary eyes I said forget it and put her in the chamber.  

My question is that if rabbits only scream when they are in pain then why was my rabbit screaming while in this chamber?  Is this common?  I just want some peace knowing tht she didn't suffer unneccearily.



Hi Brittany

I am so very sorry about the loss of your bunny.  Honestly this is a hard question for me because we all have our own beliefs as to what is humane, yet none of us really know what is going on inside an animals mind.  I will just tell you what I think.

First rabbits fight anesthesia and are often vocal when put into an anesthesia chamber.  They even do this when being prepared for surgery.  I guess it is just their natural instinct to vocalize when they feel extreme fear.

If I had to chose I would pick a chamber.  It is quick and it is over and not to be abrupt but it all ends the same way.  I personally don't like injections because even if you do find a vein sometimes the vein infiltrates before all of the medication is dispensed.  I have seen rabbits who were only given about half of the medicine and have staggered around while a second vein is being located.

Although the euthanasia chamber seems a bit harsh I assure you that it is completely humane.  The bunny just goes to sleep and then the medicine is injected right into the heart.  It is quite quick and painless.  Even though your rabbit may have vocalized it wasn't because it was in pain.  It just didn't like the medication from the anesthesia.  Your rabbit is at the rainbow bridge now and is not suffering from cancer.  She is finally at peace and that is what matters.

Good luck Brittany and if you have any more questions I am here for you.
