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were scared of the rabbit!

22 11:07:52

Our bunny, which we've had from about 8 weeks and who is now six months, used to love chasing after whoever was sweeping the kitchen with a long-handled dustban and brush. Then she began to grab the brush with her teeth and hang on for dear life. Now she just bites whoever is sweeping and we have the marks to prove it. She now tends to go for us without a brush in sight and we don't know what we've done, or what to do? Please help if you can.

Dear Julie,

It's cute when a bunny chases the broom, but encouraging that behavior may have fostered this aggression that was starting up anyway because she's reaching puberty.  It's time to have her spayed.  This will go a very long way to calming her down and stopping her biting and chasing behavior.

You can find a good vet to help you here:

In the meantime, when she is aggressive, stop everything and crouch down and pet and stroke her very firmly on the head, ears and back.  Make it clear that you love her, but that you are the Top Rabbit.  Wait until she is calm before moving your hand away.  Avoid putting your hand direclty in front of her face, as rabbits read this as aggression.  Always approach from the top, speak gently and softly, and never, never meet her aggression with aggression of your own. This will only escalate things.  Rabbits are quite the opposite of dogs, who can be intimidated this way.  If you are mean to a rabbit, it will only make her more angry and determined to put you in your place the hard way.  ;)

Rabbits.  They are complex.  But she'll be worth all the trouble.  First step: spay!

Hope this helps.
