Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > died


22 9:56:47

My 2 year old rabbit was nibbling on the cage and then started screaming and laid down in the cage 5 min. later i checked on him  and he was died    how did he die?

Dear Amy,

I am so sorry about the terrible loss of your friend.

Sadly, there is absolutely no way to confidently ascertain a cause of death without a post-mortem exam, preferably including histopathology of major organ tissues.  The signs you describe are very vague, and could have been due to any of dozens of different things.

If you noticed signs of unusual behavior before he died, then please read:

which might give some clues.  But unless you can provide a lot more specific information, this is the best I can offer.  

If the body has been kept very cold (not frozen), and it has been less than 24 hours since death, a necropsy may still be possible, if you feel that would give you closure and peace of mind.  You can find an experienced rabbit vet here:

to call and find out what your options might be.

I am very sorry for your loss.

