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biting problem

22 10:39:38

My rabbit kovu is always biting at his cage. He never bites me or anything, in fact he licks me! He just bites at his cage.Could there be something wrong with his teeth? Also can you give me a little list of things for him to chew on to maybe stop this problem. I think he might be trying to chew on something to keep his teeth from growing big...maybe?? He has wood blocks that he don't even bother.

Hi Lisa,

you can give him toys like plastic baby keys, wicker rings, wicker balls, the various rabbit toss-n-chew toys.  However, if he likes biting and rattling the cage, he's going to keep doing that.  We have a couple that do that, and that's what they do.  Sometimes it's communication (I want out, you're late with breakfast); sometimes it's just pent up energy.  Sometimes I believe they enjoy it and it feels good on their gums (they have a little gap between their incisors and molars).  

This isn't about him doing this to keep his teeth short.  They don't understand that.  If he's a good hay eater and has FRESH hay around him all the time, HAY is THE thing that will keep his teeth from getting in trouble.

As for the wood blocks, get a paper towel, dab the towel in a little VEGETABLE OIL (like wesson or whatever brand of vegetable oil you have) and wipe the wood block with it.  Sometimes that makes the block more tasty to chew, it won't hurt him, and the oil won't go rancid so it's safe to do.
