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Toxic Plants

22 9:56:45

Hi Dr. Krempels,

My husband and I recently purchased a house, which has all kinds of plants in the back yard.  Honey, our rabbit, loves running around out back (under close supervision), but I recently learned that just about every plant is toxic for rabbits!  I don't know how much I buy into that, considering she has whacked away at quite a few pieces of my supposedly toxic pine furniture, but I am VERY concerned all the same.  We have a holly tree and Im going to cut it down, but Im terrified that she will get a berry on her paw and lick it off or something.  Im not much of a gardener, so I dont even know what half of the 150 poisonous plants listed are and can't identify the plants out back, except azalea, box wood, and ivy.  Is there a rule of thumb, or do I basically have to either get rid of every plant out there or keep Honey inside?  

I cannot express how much I appreciate any advice you have regarding this issue.  

Thank you,


Dear Jamie,

This is a tough call.  In most cases, rabbits won't be eagerly eating toxic plants, as they have a disagreeable smell or taste.  But you can't always be sure.  Also, plants toxic to humans are not always as toxic to other species, and particularly herbivores with the "detox" capabilities of a rabbit.

But you can never be sure.

I'd recommend that you let your bunny out only when supervised, and be sure there is lots of fresh *grass* and maybe some tasty herbs in the garden that will attract him, making it less likely that he'll sample the potentially nasty stuff.

We have a few somewhat toxic plants in our yard (the really bad ones, we removed), and the bunnies (especially our wild sanctuary hares and cottontails) just don't touch them.

Not much help, but there it is.  To be super safe, of course, you'd replace all the toxic plants.  :(

Good luck!
