Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Are bunnys ears diseased?

Are bunnys ears diseased?

22 10:54:46

My daughter noticed black spots in her bunny's ears several weeks ago.  Now the ears appear to have something growing in them making them so thick that she can't hold them up.  What can I do?

Dear Lisa,

I can't know for sure without seeing the bunny, but it sounds as if she has developed a serious case of ear canker.  This is caused by parasitic mites that are very tiny, and barely visible to the naked eye, so don't expect to be able to see them.

Fortunately, this condition is easily and safely treated with selamectin (Revolution in the U.S.; Stronghold in the U.K. and Europe), which paralyzes the mites within about 12 hours of application.  Soon after, the lesions under the crust begin to heal, and the rabbit will groom off the crusts as the sores underneath heal.  

It's not a good idea to mess with the crusts, because there is very raw, sore skin underneath. The crust will actually keep these safe and relatively clean as they heal.

You can read more about this (and see "before" and "after" pictures here:

You can find a good vet to prescribe Revolution here:

There really are no other safe remedies, and using oil or other home recipes will just waste your time and money, and not give bunny relief from this painful condition.  

DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly to rabbits.

I hope this helps.
